How to swim

Do you want to learn how to swim? first you”re going to need to get into the pool.Then you”ll have to put a hand in front of the other. Let yourself balance on the water.After that you”ll put your feet upwards to move.when you put your feet to move at the same speed as your arms.Finally you”ll be swimming. you know how to swim.

Turkey traper

last Tuesday we made a turkey traper in the maker space me and Jon called the turkey catcher 3,000. the problem was that the stores was out of turkey. are materials,Styrofoam, masking and Jon made a cage out of Styrofoam I stared to make the food turkeys like nuts,leaves,and blueberry, we put the blueberry and the nut in the cage when the turkey walks in the cage hes foot is going to get stuck in a super strong glue then the humans will come out of hiding and get the turkey.presentation-4

About orangutan

The orangutan can be orange or brown there colored fer. The baby’s orangutan eat leaves,flower’s honey,bark,insects.The parents eat fruits flower,honey bark insects.The orangutan live in a island called the borneo and indonesia. The orangutan will live for 35 years _45 years.the baby will for 35 years _45 years male’s orangutan are 1.5 m.

science By Angel

We got a cup and baking soda water raisin googles a pension paper. Ms.Plum told us to put vinegar   to the water. Ms Milliner told us about safe Aayiln put the baking soda on the water. I put the raisin on the water.The water turn yellow. Ms.Milliner had to canes of co co cola and digit cock  she said witch of this are going to float the diet cock float it because the cock-la has a lot of surge and the diet cock has no surge at all                file_002

Break out

screenshot-2016-10-14-at-10-22-25-amyesterday we had a cool thing McNeil gave us numbers we had a group of 4 McNeil gave us a note about a boy meet this fox.when we were done with McNeil gave us a word cross puzzle me and Jon and Alexis Jonathon. we were the first on to be Done with it.there were the same cross word letters that we find to feel the word we fell the word on the Actiboard. then she gave us a paper                 and a other paper one paper was red a other paper was black we put the black paper behind the red paper it said pack hind a key Breanna find the key it was behind the bookshelf.McNeil gave breanna pen and Danielle she said when your Done with the pen give it to some one it was one of those light pen when you Draw on you self Jon put the light on one of the fox Danielle Jon open one lock Aalyline open the last lock it said you find pax it had bookmark

what my color

yesterday we went to the spring wood high school we saw what my color it is about this boy live in this screenshot-2016-10-14-at-10-30-50-am

All about angel

My favorite food is hamburger ,and ,candy ,cheeseburger, chips, ice cram, nacho. My favorite movie is the Jungle Book   and lights out. My favorite holiday is Black Friday, Christmas,  Halloween, Valentines Day , Mother Day, Father Day,  Thanksgiving. My favorite subject is math. My favorite channel is the loud house,  one peace , Naruto,one punch man ,the walking Dead . I am 10 year old. I have three sisters, one mom ,one dad, three cousin,.My favorite video game is the walking bead,  the last of us, Naruto storm 4,  life is strange, min craft, just dace 2017, just Dance 4,  just Dance  2016 ,Naruto storm 2, sum-dog, . I am so happy staring my blog because i never type in a  class blog. My favorite color is blue, red and pink.


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